Treatment within 2 weeks after birth
It is important that treatment is started very soon after birth. The results are significantly better when treatment starts within 2 weeks after birth. If treatment is started more than 3 weeks after birth, the results are less favourable. This is because of the malleability of cartilage, which is very high at a very young age due to the level of oestrogen from the mother that is still present in a newborn baby, and which rapidly decreases after 6 weeks.
Assessment by a plastic surgeon
All babies with the ear deformities described are eligible for treatment with EarWell. First of all, a plastic surgeon specialised in EarWell will carry out an assessment. Some ear deformities are easy to spot with the naked eye at birth, but protruding ears often take a while to develop. Because the baby had very little space in your belly, chances are that the ears are nice and close to the head at birth.
Projectometer for protruding ears
The projectometer is a pen with three different colours. This pen can be placed behind the middle of your baby’s ear to determine whether treatment for protruding ears with EarWell is required.
Green: no treatment required. Yellow: treatment possibly required. Red: EarWell treatment desirable.
Older child with protruding ears
Protruding ears will treble as the ear develops and the child grows; this is why it is important to be aware of this deformity at a young age. It could prevent a surgical procedure later in life.
Ear correction in babies
The decision on whether treatment can be started is always made together with the parents. Read more about the product here.
The hair around your baby’s ears will be shaved. Don’t worry, it will grow back once the treatment is complete. After this, the EarWell system is correctly fitted.
Treatment duration
The EarWell system can stay in place for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, it will be removed and replaced, possibly with a different size mould. The duration of the treatment is approximately 4 to 6 weeks. You should always contact us immediately if the EarWell system comes loose or if there are problems wearing the system.
Does your baby have misshapen ears?
It is important you start treatment quickly. Find the nearest location.
Parent testimonials
Many parents have already had their children’s ears treated with EarWell. Read their experiences here and find out what they say:

Our son’s ears were unequal. The helical rim of his right ear had a small deformity and the earlobes of both ears were very pronounced. We had his ears treated because we thought it was worth a try. He would not notice the ear correction at this young age and in later life, he could only benefit from beautiful ears. We are delighted with the result! Read about our experience here.
We visited Dr. Feijen at the Mooi clinic 6 months ago, when our son was 10 days old. He was born with protruding ears. Just before I gave birth, I coincidentally heard about a new technique where (EarWell) ear moulds are fitted to correct/prevent protruding ears in babies so that surgery in later life is unnecessary. Our son was sleeping when the ear moulds were fitted and he didn’t notice at all. Because we started treatment early, he only needed to wear the moulds for 2 weeks. During these 2 weeks, Dr. Feijen was available at any time to answer our questions. The moulds were removed after 2 weeks and we could already see the results. This was 6 months ago and we are so glad we had our son treated straight away; his ears look completely normal! We are very happy with the result.
The treatment with the EarWell system went very well and was easier than we expected, we are so glad that we did this for our son. The results were already clearly visible after 2 weeks, and when the treatment was completed after 4 weeks, his ears looked normal.
At first we were not sure if we should start with EarWell, the moulds looked a little strange, but in retrospect we are very happy with the result. Our daughter didn’t notice a thing and slept straight through having the EarWell fitted and replaced.
I would recommend this treatment to all parents of children with ear deformities. It did not affect our son Mats at all and his ears are now fully corrected. With neither surgery nor scars.
One of our child’s ears had several deformities. We heard about EarWell and Dr. Feijen and we are so happy with the result. Our child can now grow up with beautifully normal ears. Dr. Feijen and the ladies at the MOOI clinic in the Netherlands were very helpful and always available to answer any of our questions.
I had surgery to pin my ears back later on in life. As a child, I suffered bullying and confidence issues because my ears stuck out. I wanted to make sure my daughter didn’t have to go through the same thing! About a week after her birth, Mila’s ears started to curl away from the side of her head, and luckily I came across EarWell online. We made the decision rather quickly to have Mila’s ears treated. Much better to have her ears taped down for a few weeks than to grow up with ears that stick out and end up having surgery. We are super happy with the result!